Monday, August 10, 2009

County memo: Auditors need more help

Mecklenburg's Department of Social Services was last fully audited in 1996 and a committee looking into allegations of misspending asked for more details on the county's auditing schedule.

In response, county staff has released a list of recommendations to address the department's accounting failures.

Among them, a description of an optimal audit schedule. It suggests more auditors should be hired.

"To complete the optimal schedule effectively, a minimum of 3 additional FTEs or equivalent contracted resources would be required," the memo says.

Click here to read the memo, item 4.

It goes on to say that "at current staffing levels, it takes approximately six years to review all core areas at all departments."

The Audit Review Committee was scheduled to discuss the recommendations today, but the meeting was postponed to an unspecified later date.

- Doug Miller


Anonymous said...

Where' the update on the missing 100K from the Jones and DSS crew? Have the church ties been checked out thoroughly? Where there's smoke, there's fire, especially when the director goes on record to say we may never know.

Anonymous said...

Why was there such an issue with improper use of vouchers? Good grief, how hard can it be? Make the voucher for a specific maximum dollar amount with a list of approved items. Items not on the list can not be purchased using the voucher. Amounts in excess of the voucher limit must be paid for by the shopper. Period. See how easy that was? And I don't even have a degree in accounting!

Anonymous said...

All you have to do is check Harrys freezer to find the cold cash stash or at least his 50% cut. Real simple.