Tuesday, April 6, 2010

First towns fight health care reform

The Huntersville and Cornelius town boards on Monday passed resolutions opposing the new health care reform law as the first N.C. municipalities push back against the controversial bill.

In Huntersville, commissioner Charles Jeter submitted two resolutions that passed with his support and votes from commissioners Beth ‘Danae’ Caulfield and Ken Lucas. Opposed were commissioners Sarah McAulay and Ron Julian.

The first resolution asks N.C. Attorney General Roy Cooper to file legal action "barring the implementation of the federal government mandating individual citizens purchase health care." It cites as its basis "clear and willful violation" of the Tenth Amendment addressing state's rights.

Click here to read the first Huntersville resolution.

The second resolution asks the N.C. General Assembly to help propose a new constitutional amendment barring mandated health care.

Click here to read the second Huntersville resolution.

In Cornelius, commissioners approved a resolution asking the state to protect the state and local governments from any unfunded mandates from federal health care legislation.

"We're very concerned about what the state might do monetarily, especially given their current situation, passing costs down to the municipalities," Commissioner James R. Bensman told Paper Trail today.

Click here to read the Cornelius resolution.

Cooper is already feeling pressure from state GOP leaders, the Observer's Jack Betts notes.

Betts says Republicans are urging the attorney general to join at least 13 other states, including South Carolina, in a lawsuit challenging the law's constitutionality.

- Doug Miller


Anonymous said...

Huntersville and Cornelius that is the exact reason you both will always be Charlotte's litte sister and very insignificant. Why don't you push back on something that is not the law of the land. I hope all of you cronies are voted out of office next election. You have enough problems in your towns to be worried about whats going on in Washington. Besides I hope the federal government meddles in your small town affairs. Just another example of a waste of taxpayer money, energy and effort so you can play partisan politics.

Anonymous said...

More little political hacks playing games with little minds. Do something more constructive with your time than wasting time and money on something that will never happen.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Cornelius can raise the pet license fee to cover any shortfalls in healthcare dollars? They seem to be good at finding creative ways to fleece the citizenry.

Larry said...

The Hornets Nest back in the Revolutionary War was the first skirmish against oppression and started up in this area in the Northern part of the county.

I praise these fine Americans to be the first to fight against this socialist, wealth distribution in which we are required to give our account numbers to the IRS who has the right to take the Health Care Payment and 2 percent penalty directly from these accounts with out question. With Taxes and the like they have to take you to court. Therefore no due process.

I will be happy to take up what ever I have to, to defend our freedom and look forward to seeing how our waiting for the system to right this debacle, and one party writing a personalized constitution mess, before, like many of those in this country, are forced to take back our freedom by any means legally.

Larry said...

"Anonymous Anonymous said...
Huntersville and Cornelius that is the exact reason you both will always be Charlotte's litte sister and very insignificant. Why don't you push back on something that is not the law of the land. I hope all of you cronies are voted out of office next election. You have enough problems in your towns to be worried about whats going on in Washington. Besides I hope the federal government meddles in your small town affairs. Just another example of a waste of taxpayer money, energy and effort so you can play partisan politics. April 6, 2010 7:55 PM"

Yes Heed this posters comments you want to try to be another Charlotte.... Sorry I can't keep a straight face....

Anonymous said...


You obviously have a interesting logic that makes no sense. You are all for the local government being involved in Washington. I bet you would cry foul with all the other freedom fighters if Washington told Cornelius and Huntersville how to do their jobs. Where is it written in the town charter that those towns are to challenge Washington as a governing body. They should be focused on their own issues like the 3rd grade planning of their towns and their traffic issues. Not to mention their Lake Norman drug problem. It's a WASTE of time. Roy Cooper is not going to sue. So, you and the towns can continue to blow hot air. You are talking about the Revolutionary War??? You are laughable!!!

Anonymous said...

I am with you, Cornelius and Huntersville. I got out of Charlotte several years ago and am so glad I did! We need the government telling us everything to do just like we need to be SLAVES. In fact, there will probably be few of left when Obama gets through with us. Everyday it is something else. Today, he has reduced our nukes when Korea and Iran can not get theirs fixed on us fast enough! I want Bush back!!!

Unknown said...

Great. Lets continue to deny health care to those who want to purchase but are denied by the insurance companies. I invite all of the Huntersville and Cornelius town board members to contact me and hear what it is like to be denied coverage due to being born with Epilpsey. I'm sure not one, zero, will contact me. I would love to talk, address, speak to any and all of you. Please contact me and let me talk in a publc forum. Let me tell you what it is like to see my son live without insurance due to a disease he was born with Thank you President Obama. Thank you.
Please, I only would like to hear from the Huntersville and Cornelius town board members. I do not wish to hear from the Rush faithful.

Anonymous said...

"I will take up what ever I have to, to defend our freedom". Translation, I will follow anything or anybody that thinks the way I think. I will have a call to action even if I don't understand ALL of the facts. I want thing to be the way the were fifty years ago!!!

Anonymous said...

That's a good point. Local government needs to stay out of Washington politics and Washington needs to stay out of ours.

Anonymous said...

That will never happen teabaggers and you guys are just making laughing stocks of your communities... Arrogant, racist, an just dumb. In 5 years you will be embarassed by your vote, or too all teabaggy repub to care, because by then you will love it fearmongers.

Steelmagnolia said...

It's obvious this plan is something that had to be forced down our throats when basically, one yahoo had to force it into law on his own...

I still ask the question...instead of wasting all this money, and over a year trying to re-create the wheel - why don't they concentrate on making medi-care better, more of what it should be, which would solve the problem for those who don't have insurance, but not force things on those who don't want this plan, not to mention not put this nation further into debt, require hundreds of new gov't positions to manage it, and even more IRS to enforce it...
While everyone should be entitled to insurance, forcing something onto the majority who don't want it isn't the way to go...

Anonymous said...


The Federal Government cannot mandate anyone to purchase a product. I agree there are major issues with healthcare costs, but this mandate solves nothing. As a small business owner, I cannot absorb the cost of participating and I cannot afford the cost of the fines for not participating. I will be forced to lay off enough of my staff to get below the forced participation threshold of 50 employees so that I don't have to join in this unconstitutional mandate. These kinds of layoffs will be rampant among all small businesses who are able to continue to operate with a staff less than 50. This is not how you build up an economy, by once again putting massive strain on employers and creating conditions that lead to higher unemployment.
Let's start reform with the insurance companies and with legislation limiting ridiculous lawsuits that drive malpractice insurance so high that doctors can barely afford to stay in practice. We have fought the wrong fight.

steelmagnolia said...

Reason 1001 to oppose the healthcare plan being forced down our throats:

They actually did it. The Democrats rejected Coburn's amendment to ban Viagra for sex offenders, which means that in the health care bill, the fix bill that Obama will next sign, that sex offenders, rapists, and pedophiles will get taxpayer-paid Viagra.

Anonymous said...

Steelemagnolias you are wrong Medicare will not fix the problem, if it were revamped. Medicare only covers those who are over 65 or those below 65 that have a narrow window of conditions like kidney failure for example. Not a viable solution, that would have made things worse. There would be no solution for a working person that loses their job that has a preexisting condition. Especially if they make over $13,000/year, they would not qualify for Medicaid either. Give it a chance, instead of making a snap judgement based on something you have heard.

barkomomma said...

You are hereby forced to purchase [fill in product or service name] under penalty of law.

Um, no. Not what our country's all about.

Or, at least, not what it USED to be about.

Anonymous said...

The ban for sex offenders was a play by the right to make a side-show of the Senate. I saw Mr. Coburn's presentation for the amendment, it was quite theatrical. This is a very serious bill and Couburn is proposing something that is so broadway. What kind of an amendment is that? There is no evidence that this action would curb sexual offenses. How about no more federal money for the bridge to no where or the landing stirp that has no traffic.

Anonymous said...

You are forced to pay your taxes. You are not forced to pay for insurance. You can choose not to pay, just like you can choose not to pay your taxes.

Anonymous said...

I was in the audience Monday at the Huntersville Board meeting and this was not a unanimous decision. The Mayor and two town board members called it for what it was and wanted nothing to do with it. It was simply a political stunt designed to get one commissioner's name in the paper because he has a republican primary coming up and he needs to run to the right.. hard.

The chances of anyone in Raleigh paying attention or even reading this motion is remote, so this was simply for local consumption, Headlines.

But that doesn't concern these guys, two of which called a press conference to announce how they were solving traffic problems in town a couple years ago by installing some speed humps...yes, you read that correctly.

Anonymous said...

I'm both glad and surprised that not all of the comments are of the ignorant, racist variety that I have come to expect to find on this site.

Anonymous said...

- Republicans were for President Barack Obama's requirement that Americans get health insurance before they were against it.

The obligation in the new health care law is a Republican idea that's been around at least two decades. It was once trumpeted as an alternative to Bill and Hillary Clinton's failed health care overhaul in the 1990s. These days, Republicans call it government overreach.

Anonymous said...

Larry, you are RIGHT ON! These 'anonymous' people are apparently already on gov-co's entitlement roles and just want more of what you make of which they are NOT entitled to get!
Next up, after Obama runs Toyota out of the USA with fines, will be a gov-co mandate you have to buy a GM car. Remember gov-co owns GM, & if they can make you buy healthcare, they can make you buy anything they wish. Think it can't be done, you are naieve!
This healthcare 'farce' is a power grab folks, it is NOT about healthcare as there are NO COST controls in this bill. Your premiums will skyrocket under this plan! And when they do, there are no other 'carriers' you can go to to get lower premiums as this will drive private health insurers out of business-This IS the plan!
I know of NO ONE that has been denied healthcare. NONE. IF you want it, its there even if you have a pre-existing condition or a condition that makes insurance companies reject you. How do I know this, I am in the business to know this. Is it expensive? Yes, why? Because healthcare is expensive. Want lower premiums-lets make hospitals publish their costs on the internet to where you can shop around for your care. Lets get tort reform, but the dem's are all lawyers, think they will implement something like tort reform that will take money away from their ilk? Won't happen and until we get these 2 things-healthcare will continue to soar. However, with mandated, government controlled healthcare, you will find physicians will no longer be in practice to see you. This is not about the quality of healthcare you have now. This is RATIONED CARE with the IRS saying who can have what kind of care! This IS about death panels. Wake up. IF the IRS is going to police this, they will say who can have what based on their income and how much they 'contribute to society.'
Insurance is NOT supposed to cover everything either so get over it! Insurance is to protect your from catastrophic issues that could cause bankruptcy, not to pay for every ingrown toe nail you have or little Johnny's ADHD.
You liberals are going to end this country with your entitlement mentality and belief that gov-co is to take care of you, provide everything for you and knows whats better for you than you do!
If gov-co can make you buy healthcare, they can make you do whatever they want you to!
WAKETHEHELLUP and see your freedoms are vanishing!

Anonymous said...

Atleast these 2 towns have the gahuhas to do something that our illlustrious Bev Purdue does not have the gahuhas to do and sidesteps because she is a liberal demo!

I commend both cities for standing up to this government takeover and massive re-distribution of wealth.

What I make is mine and you socialists have no right to what is mine!

CJU said...

It is against the law, the constitution, and what this country stands for if the government gets away with making people buy a product. It doesn't matter if its insurance or some magical widget.
Take that out of the bill and you may have another couple million people accept it.
There are no cost controls. No cap on law suits. No change in peoples ability to buy across state lines.
Make those changes and you will probably have a couple 10 million people accept it.
Make it so sex offenders (republican admendment to the bill voted down by dems) cannot purchase viagra or EDS medicine and you'll have another 10 million people accept this.

But no, the dems, president oblama, want to have control of your accounts. And IF you're okay with that, you really need to think it over. This means that they can come in and TAKE your money.

Its ridiculous that they could not get this right. Was it needed? Sure. Was it done RIGHT?

Nope. A big swing and a miss. Come November, there's gonna be change... Change I can believe in..


Anonymous said...

Everyone forgets you have to buy car insurance to have a car.IT'S THE LAW. NC needs to use our tax money on something that's going to make a difference. Health Care will not be overturned. Need to vote out all of Congress that's trying to get reelected.

Anonymous said...

First of all any one that says they were denied the right to buy health insurance here in NC should contact Mr. Cooper's office or the NC DOI. It's against the law in NC. So "Rick" you have a case against the insurer that did that. Go find some ambulance chaser and sue them.

Second I am more proud than ever to call Cornelius home! Thank you! All these big government types want to do is gain control or get a free ride. Which one are you?

Health care would be a lot cheaper for everyone if we just did away with insurance period and go back to a fee for service type system.

Anonymous said...

The gentleman that works in THE INDUSTRY. I also worked in the industry and found that insurance was the worst regulatated nusiness on earth. The agents did not systematically understand what they were selling, much less the customerand this was with a
leading company in the industry. When it came time for a claim or question there was a lot of back peddling,change of story and misunderstanding. Also, there was many instances where the wrong folks were put in the wrong product, just because of commission. Very little oversight until there was a problem. Bottom line is there are tons of leeches in your business and the companies condone it and reward it by entertaining those people at annual trips. I'm happy that there is reform and the insurance business is being held accountable.

Rick said...

"Huntersville and Cornelius haters who already have health insurance and don't want the uninsured to get it. They are Christian scum."

Wow! So by letting this type of comment stand, I guess we know what the Progressive editors at the Observer believe.

How long do you think a comment like this would remain if it was directed at any other group?

Anonymous said...

How pitiful. "I will fight for taking our freedom back". More Palin and Beck talk. Ya'll wouldn't fight for anything. You just want to run your mouths and pretend that you know something about the constitution. Stop listening to the idiots on the right. That is how Hitler got his start.

Anonymous said...

Boo Hoo, "I want my country back". How sorry can you get? They are taking our freedom away. Will someone do something? They will put us all in jail! Help! They are taking away my health care. Join the Sons of the Confederacy and get ready to correct all of these tings. Yahoo, the south will rise again.