Friday, April 30, 2010

Affidavit: Unruly passenger kicked, grabbed woman's breast

Here is an affidavit by Peter Carriacto, an FBI agent in Charlotte, about events on April 29 aboard US Airways Flight 705 from Frankfurt, Germany, to Charlotte. The agent says that passenger Raun Michael Brissenden interfered with the duties of the flight crew.

The FBI agent says about an hour and a half into the flight, Brissenden started kicking a flight attendant in the leg. He also kicked her cart and pushed the flight attendant.

When flight attendants tried to restrain Brissenden, the affidavit says, he began poking other passengers and grabbed one passenger by the breast. He was restrained by two off-duty police officers and other passengers and detained in the back of the plane. He was arrested on arrival in Charlotte.

Read the FBI agent's affidavit.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, love that German beer.

air jordan said...

what a dumron!

Anonymous said...

The solution for this is for the aircraft to descend to 5000 feet, open the cabin door and give the unruly passenger a 'flying' lesson.

Anonymous said...

This goes to show you don't need a weapon on an airplane to be dangerous to others. This man should never be allowed to fly again, to or from anywhere.